PGI-15 Tutorial

Artificial Neural Networks

02.11.2023 | Emre Neftci, Susanne Kunkel, Jamie Lohoff, and Willem Wybo

The First Artificial Neuron

  • In 1943, Warren McCulloch and Walter Pitts propose the first artificial neuron, the Linear Threshold Unit.
  • $f$ is a step function: $$ y = \begin{cases} f(a) &= 1\text{ if } \ge 0\\ f(a) &= 0\text{ if } a< 0\\ \end{cases} $$

  • $a$ is a weighted sum of inputs $x$

  • "Modern" artificial neurons are similar, but $f$ is typically a sigmoid or rectified linear function

Mathematical Model of the Artificial Neuron

  • $x_i$ is the state of the input neurons
  • $w_i$ is the weight of the connection
  • $b$ is a bias
  • The total input to the neuron is: $ a = \sum_i w_i x_i +b $
  • The output of the neuron is: $ y = f(a) $
  • where $f$ is the activation function

The Perceptron

  • The Perceptron is a special case of the artificial neuron where: \[ \begin{eqnarray} \mbox{y} & = & \begin{cases} -1 & \mbox{if } a = \sum_j w_j x_j + b \leq 0 \\\\ 1 & \mbox{if } a = \sum_j w_j x_j + b > 0 \end{cases} \end{eqnarray} \]
  • Three inputs $x_1$, $x_2$, $x_3$ with weights $w_1$, $w_2$, $w_3$, and bias $b$

Perceptron Example

  • Like McCulloch and Pitts neurons, Perceptrons can be hand-constructed to solve simple logical tasks
  • Let's build a "sprinkler" that activates only if it is dry and sunny.
  • Let's assume we have a dryness detector $x_0$ and a light detector $x_1$ (two inputs)
  • Find $w_0$, $w_1$ and $b$ such that output $y$ matches target $t$
Sunny Dry $a$ $y$ $t$
1 (yes) 1 (yes)
1 (yes) 0 (no)
0 (no) 1 (yes)
0 (no) 0 (no)
$w_0 =$ 0 $w_1 =$ 0 $b =$ 0

Logic Gates

  • Logic gates are (idealized) devices that perform one logical operation
  • Common operations are AND, Not, and OR and can perform Boolean logic
  • Using only Not AND (NAND) gates, any boolean function can be built.
      A B A NAND B
      0 0 1
      0 1 1
      1 0 1
      1 1 0

      Thus: Any Boolean function can be built out of Perceptrons!

Linear separability

A perceptron is equivalent to a decision boundary.

A straight line can separate blue vs. red

There is no straight line that can separate blue vs. red

Problems where a straight line can separate two classes are called Linearly Separable

Perceptron learning algorithm to learn to classify linearly separable points

Optimization Algorithm Gradient Descent

  • Example: Find $x$ that minimizes $C(x) = x^2$
  • Incremental change in $\Delta x$: $$ \begin{eqnarray} \Delta C \approx \underbrace{\frac{\partial C}{\partial x}}_{\text{=Slope of }C(x)} \Delta x \end{eqnarray} $$ Gradient Descent rule: $\Delta x = - \eta \frac{\partial C}{\partial x}$, $\Delta C \approx - \eta \left( \frac{\partial C}{\partial x} \right)^2$
  • Gradient Descent for finding the optimal $x$: $ \begin{eqnarray} x \leftarrow x - \eta \frac{\partial C}{\partial x} \end{eqnarray} $

Linear separability

A perceptron is equivalent to a decision boundary.

A straight line can separate blue vs. red

There is no straight line that can separate blue vs. red

Problems where a straight line can separate two classes are called Linearly Separable

Most complex problems are not linearly separable

Deep neural networks

How many hidden layers and how many units per layer do we need? The answer is at most two

Hertz, et al. 1991

Szegedy et al. 2014

Canziani et al. 2018

Single Layer Network with Sigmoid Units M

  • Weight matrix: $W^{(1)} \in \mathbb{R}^{N\times M}$ (meaning $M$ inputs, $N$ outputs) $$ \begin{eqnarray} y^{(1)}_i &=& \sigma(\underbrace{\sum_j W^{(1)}_{ij} x_j}_{a_i^{(1)}}) \\ \end{eqnarray} $$
  • MSE cost function, assuming a single data sample $\mathbf{x}\in\mathbb{R}^{M} $, and target vector $\mathbf{t}\in\mathbb{R}^{N}$ $$ C_{MSE} = \frac{1}{2} \sum_i(y^{(1)}_i - t_i)^2 $$
  • Gradient w.r.t. $W^{(1)}$ (in scalar form): $$ \frac{\partial }{\partial W^{(1)}_{ij}} C_\text{MSE}= (y^{(1)}_i - t_i) \sigma'(a^{(1)}_i) x_j $$

Two Layer Network with Sigmoid Units

  • Two layers means we have two weight matrices $W^{(1)}$ and $W^{(2)}$
  • $W^{(1)} \in \mathbb{R}^{N^{(1)}\times M}$, $W^{(2)} \in \mathbb{R}^{N^{(2)}\times N^{(1)}}$
  • The output is a composition of two functions:
$$ \begin{eqnarray} \mathbf{y}^{(1)} &=& \sigma(W^{(1)} \mathbf{x} ) \\\\ \mathbf{y}^{(2)} &=& \sigma(W^{(2)} \mathbf{y}^{(1)} ) \\\\ \end{eqnarray} $$
  • Cost function $ C_{MSE} = \sum_{i=1}^{N^{(2)}}(y^{(2)}_i - t_i)^2 $
  • Gradient wrt $W^{(2)}$ is: $ \frac{\partial }{\partial W^{(2)}_{ij}} C_\text{MSE}= \underbrace{(y^{(2)}_i - t_i) \sigma'(a^{(2)}_i)}_{\delta^{(2)}_i} y^{(1)}_j $
  • Gradient wrt $W^{(1)}$ is: $ \frac{\partial}{\partial { W_{jk}^{(1)}}} C_{\text{MSE}} = \underbrace{(\sum_i \delta_i^{(2)} W^{(2)}_{ij}) \sigma'(a^{(1)}_j)}_{\text{backpropagated error}\, \delta^{(1)}_{j}} x_k $
  • This is a special case of the gradient backpropagation algorithm


Lecture 3: Recurrent Neural Networks Lecture 4: Learning and Plasticity